What’s your question?
There’s a girl in my PE class who is constantly getting on my nerves. Part of me wants to bash her over the head with a rock, but at the same time I just want to diffuse the situation before it gets extreme. What should I do? Mr. Bobcat: People can be frustrating sometimes. If they are purposefully doing things to annoy you, there are a few things that you can do: 1. Set some boundaries. It can help for you to talk to them and ask them to give you some space. 2. Try to see where they are coming from. Some people, when they want to get to know someone better, they will do something that for some people can seem annoying. If this is the case, try giving them the benefit of the doubt and try to learn more about them and get to know them better. 3. You can also try being kind to them, despite how much they are annoying you. It is a lot harder for you to hate somebody when you are occupying your thoughts with kind deeds that you can do for them. If they aren’t doing anything to you specifically and you are still annoyed by their actions, reassessing your attitude could be a solution for you. Don’t judge anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes. Sincerely, Mr. Bobcat
What's your question?
So I have lots of trouble staying off screens. Help me! Mr. Bobcat: Michael Jackson, thank you for writing to me. It's not easy to be willing to look at yourself and admit that you have a problem. I applaud you for seeing that you need help. Screen time isn't necessarily bad, but you're absolutely right that too much of it can be harmful. Here are a few things that might help.
Sincerely, Mr. Bobcat What's your question?
Dear Mr. Bobcat, HELP!!! So, I have a crush and I think he might like me. But, my friend thinks that he likes her. What should I do? Mr. Bobcat: Dear lonely lover, My advice is to talk to your friend. Communication is key in friendships. You may find out that you are making some assumptions that aren't right. Either way, it will clear the air between you and your friend. Not communicating with her could lead to friction or resentment. If you can't work it out, maybe you'll have to weigh the crush against the friendship. If the friendship is more valuable, skip the crush. Trust me, there will be many many more guys to come. But you only get a few really close friends in life. I hope this helps. Sincerely, Mr. Bobcat What's your question?
I have a very good friend who started dating this boy. I've heard very bad things about this boy, and I'm worried about my friend. Even talking to her family, she's been changing and getting in to trouble that she shouldn't be in. I want to tell her how I feel about this boy, but she seems happier with him then she's ever been with anyone else. I'm scared that she's changing for him for the worse. What do I do? Mr. Bobcat: If you are truly worried about her, tell her how you feel. Explain that you have noticed she has changed lately and be honest. If you are worried about her getting mad or upset with you, that's okay. You can't control the way she reacts. The important part is that she knows that you care about her, and you're trying to help. If you try your best to show that while talking to her about it, it could go better. Recognize her right to mess up, but when she does, make sure she knows that you are there to help her pick up the pieces, no matter what. What's your question?
A girl likes me, but I don't like her. She asked me out, and I'm gonna die! Pleeeeez help. idk what to do. I need this relationship to end, without hurting her. Mr. Bobcat: Well Dude, I'm going to be honest with you here: you're probably going to end up hurting her feelings to some extent. Even if you reject her in the nicest way possible, she still will feel hurt because rejection is tough, especially at this age. What I would do is tell her "no" in the nicest way possible. The most important part comes after that. After you have rejected her, you have to still be her friend. This is definitely an awkward stage in the relationship because she knows you don't like her like that. You have to show her that you're comfortable with still being friends. The awkwardness will just one day go away and you'll be back to friends like nothing ever happened. I hope this helped! Yours truly, Mr. Bobcat What's your question?
My crush knows I like him, but I know he doesn't like me back. And we have a difficult relationship. So, what should be my next step? Mr. Bobcat: If you want to maintain the relationship that you already have with him, you should make it clear that that's what you want, but mention that you don't have to have a romantic relationship with him. It will be awkward for a while but I'm sure you guys can stay friends! If you don't think you can let go of your feelings and move past this part of your life, then you should discuss this with him. Communication is the basis to every relationship, and telling someone your feelings while in a serious discussion should never be something you're afraid to do. And just remember that you can let go of him and find someone new. It's not an ideal situation, but make the best out of it. What is your question?
Who can we talk to if we are having a hard time, and we are to scared to talk to the counselors? Mr. Bobcat: Dear Sam, I'm truly sorry that you're having a hard time. I think it's safe to say that there are a lot of us that can relate. If you aren't comfortable talking to the counselors, there are several options: 1) Talk to one of the Hope Squad members or advisors; 2) Talk to one of the principals. They are really understanding; or 3) Talk to friends or family. The heart of the message is that there are a lot of people that genuinely care about you. As long as you are talking to one of them and not bottling it up, you're on the right track! Good luck to you. We're all wishing you the best. What's your question? I had a friend, and she was my best friend. We got in a fight and now she's ignoring me. I will greet her in the hall and she walks away. If she ever does reply it's one word answers. I've apologized like seven times and she hasn't even though it was both of our faults. the worst part is it happened two months ago and no matter how much I try to talk to her she keeps pushing me aside and ignoring me. She only talks to me when she needs something and then I'm given the silent treatment again. This really hurts as she was my best friend since fourth grade and that was ruined overnight. What can I do? Should I stop talking to her? Should I move on? I just really want her to talk to me again. Mr. Bobcat: Dear What Can I Do, This is a situation that so many people have been in and is one of the trickiest to handle. There is no perfect answer or solution; you and your friend might never have the same relationship you did before. While it is important to know that, you don’t have to accept it. Since you’ve known each other for so long, it’s not probable, likely, or expected that you could just forget her or never talk to her again, and the same goes for her. Instead, remember your fun times and your hard times - they are what’s made your relationship so strong before the fight. Accept that she might not want to be best friends with you anymore, but you can still be friends in the future. Keep her as an acquaintance at the very least, so that if she later wants to reconnect with you, you can give it a go. If you don’t think you can or want to reconnect, that's fine as well, and your bestie can deal with that. Sometimes people aren’t ready when we want them to be, which hurts, but it’s important to respect that. Forcing her to hang out with you might hurt you both in the long run. You will both find new friends and people to hang out with – time, change, and circumstances make this inevitable. You might be friends with each other again, but you might not. The thing with friendship is that it’s a two-way street, so you can’t force her to stay friends with you, and that means you’re not responsible for staying friends with her. There are plenty of other people in the Jr. High who are very friendly, so if you can remember to keep an open mind to new people and ideas, (or maybe even old people and ideas, just to be extra open), I think you’ll find someone that could be your new best friend. I say new because they could probably never totally replace your old one and that probably wouldn’t be ideal anyways, as you’d most likely go down the same broken path that led you here, asking for advice from your school mascot. That advice will end with: if you want to at least be friends with this person, try being patient, keeping a couple, (but no more than), tabs on them, and stay at a close enough range that if she ever wants to reach out to you, she’ll be able, but a far enough distance so both of you can still move on with your lives and not be too hurt. I wish you luck and happiness! Mr. Bobcat What's your question?
Have you ever felt that if you do something wrong you need to punish yourself cause I do, all the time even when I get it right. I feel lost or even grim. Mr. Bobcat: Hey! I totally understand how your feeling. Punish yourself isn't always the best idea. Limiting yourself depending on the circumstance is better than a hard core punishment. When you do something wrong it's something to work on for the future. Doing something right doesn't mean it should result in a reward but you should at least be proud of yourself. Everyone goes thru a moment where they doubt themselves and it's ok. You just need to be able to be proud of yourself of what you do correctly. If this keeps getting bad and the only thing you're doing is punishing yourself then you should contemplate talking to a school counselor. We have wonderful counselors here at the Jr. high that would be more then happy to help. What's your question?
Dear Mr Bobcat, why is there a section in sports for cheer but not dance. The Madison Jr High Dance Team has an upcoming competition in Rigby that we want every on to see. Please add a section in sports for dance. Mr. Bobcat: Thank you so much for your feedback. One of our amazing rundown students is working extra hard to get the sports page redone. There is a dance page it just hasn't been published to the website yet. We are working extra hard to get it posted. Thanks for the feedback and we will get the new and improved sports page up and running as soon s possible. |